Precious metals, 31 |
Professional Options Package, 79, 80 |
Psychology, 25, 26 |
Pyramiding profits, 199 |
Quantitative/actuarial models, 35 |
Quattro Pro, 103, 105 |
Quiter, Dick, 39-47 |
quote.com, 102 |
Real estate, 29 |
Real-time quotes, 96, 224, 238 |
Real-time trading vs. historical testing, 105 |
Regression analysis, 196 |
Regression to the mean, 199 |
Rehberger, Tom, 229-231 |
Relative strength index (RSI), 43, 44 |
Reminiscence of a Stock Market Operator (Lefevre), 89 |
Reverse wealth effect, 69 |
Risk acceptance, 167, 168 |
Risk management, 98, 104, 109, 110 |
Risk-per-trade rule of thumb, 107 |
Robinson, Duncan, 12 |
RSI, 43, 44 |
Rudd, Barry, 157, 158 |
Rules (CBOT rule book), 219 |
Rules of trading, 93, 137, 138 |
S&Ps, 108, 238 |
Saliba, Tony, 127-135 |
Saver/spender ratio, 69 |
Scalpers, 141, 142 |
Scholes, Myron, 19, 20 |
Schulman, Larry, 169, 170 |
Schumacher, Andrew, 173-182 |
Schwartz, Ben, 37 |
Sell setups, 157 |
Sentiment, 66 |
Seykota, Ed, 102 |
Shake the shorts rallies, 107 |
Sharpe ratio, 195 |
SMW, 13 |
Software packages, 67, 192, 193 |
author's view of, 143, 144 |
Macho Man, 83 |
Manager, The, 88 |
Professional Options Package, 79, 80 |
Quattro Pro, 103, 105 |
SuperCharts, 221 |
TradeStation, 121, 122 |
Trading Recipes, 97, 104 |
VantagePoint, 151, 152, 154 |
Wisdom of the Ages, 77 |
Spear, Bob, 97 |
Speculation, 88-90, 199, 200 |
Sports betting, 91, 92 |
Spread charts, 145 |
Spreading, 140, 141, 145 |
Squat, 227 |
Squawk box, 238 |
St. Peter (story), 147 |
Statistical advantage, 84 |