Learn from other traders, 145, 229 |
Lebeau, Chuck, 185-187 |
Lighthouse (story), 183 |
Limit move, 105, 106 |
Lind, Barry J., 249, 250 |
Liquid markets, 108 |
Livermore, Jesse, 24, 89 |
Long Term Capital Management, 110, 162 |
Long-term rally, 27, 28 |
Losers, 92 |
MACD, 40 |
Macho Man, 83 |
Manager, The, 88 |
Markbrown.com, 205 |
Market Profile, 225, 228 |
Market profiles, 142 |
Market Technicians Association, 21, 160 |
Market Wizards, 102 |
Maximum adverse excursion, 109 |
Maximum Drawdown, 194 |
Mendelsohn, Louis B., 149-156 |
Mental accounting, 140 |
Method Trading (Lind), 249 |
MFI, 227 |
MidAm, 12 |
Miller, Merton, 19 |
Mistakes, 176, 177 |
Momentum, 44, 45, 229 |
Monday morning gap openings up, 106 |
Money management, 13, 97, 103 |
Money management stop, 212 |
Morge, Timothy, 16, 17, 125 |
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD), 40 |
Moving averages, 40, 150 |
Neural networks, 151 |
News groups, 205 |
Noble, Grant D., 63-70 |
O'Shaughnessy, James, 35 |
On-line system, 244, 245 |
On-line trading, 201, 202, 205 |
Open interest, 239 |
Optimal F, 104 |
Optimal report, 253-264 |
Optimist, 61 |
Optimization, 197, 198 |
Options, 79, 80, 213, 214 |
Overtrading, 177 |
Parabolic, 46 |
Patrick, Doug, 209-217 |
Payroll measure of employment, 190 |
Peterson, Thomas R., 159-164 |
Phantom, 83-92 |
Pit trader/trading, 81, 120, 128, 132 |
Pivot point indicators, 44, 45 |
Point and figure charts, 142 |
Prayers, 138 |
Prechter, Bob, 23 |