Appreciative Mind versus Judging Mind |
It is possible to transform judging your behavior, others' behavior, and the world in general, to a nonjudging appreciation of things just as they are. While a judging mind likes to focus on differences that lead to evaluating and comparing everything and everybody, the appreciative mind allows things to be left alone just as they are without comparison. |
One way to work with the concept of the appreciative mind is to walk around for a day with one simple idea in mind: that everything you do and everything you see others doing is to be appreciated, just as it is. To appreciate something means to take pleasure in it or receive satisfaction from it and to honor and respect it. The way to appreciate your own behavior and that of others is to view it as perfect in its imperfection. |
For one day, see everything that you do as just right in its imperfection. Begin to notice how you can switch your perception from judging and comparing to appreciating all behavior as uniquely perfect just as it is. |
The Elements of Online Investing Excellence |
So far in this chapter we have presented ways of confronting the negative and self-defeating aspects of the perfectionistic mind. We have offered some tools for beginning to transform these self-defeating aspects into the more healthy characteristics of striving for excellence. We will now identify some of the elements of excellence that the perfectionist probably already possesses. The perfectionistic view of these qualities can be shaped into a more moderate form in realizing the good enough mentality. This is not an exhaustive list but only an indication of those elements that I believe are important in the pursuit of excellence. Following this list, we will indicate how the perfectionist's perspective may be altered toward excellence by utilizing these elements. |
Knowledge. Are you willing to acquire the basic and advanced knowledge of the discipline of investing through the reading, study, and experience that is necessary to thoroughly perform trading skills at a high level? Have you chosen an area in which you are capable of obtaining this knowledge? Or is this knowledge beyond your limits? Is this knowledge interesting and meaningful to you? Do you have a passion to learn it? |