Counterbelief: Without change, there would be no room for growth and new possibility. |
As we all sooner or later become painfully aware, the very nature of life is constant change. According to Eastern philosophy, it is the ability to skillfully surf the waves of this ongoing change that is viewed as being in the perfect flow of life. Do you let yourself become part of this perfect flow or do you struggle to swim upstream, against the flow? Healthy striving for excellence means using all of one's skills and talents to make creative adaptations to this ongoing flownot struggling to fight the changing nature of lifeor the securities market. So traders are fond of saying: ''Don't fight the tape." |
While stability and security are legitimate and powerful needs in our life, they are only one side of the coin. We must confront our fear of the other side of the cointhe side that represents the need for new stimulation, surprise, change, and even disruption, chaos, and transformation. And, of course, part of the excitement of online trading is that it never fails to deliver all of these conditions! |
One way this acceptance of change is experienced by those striving for excellence is in their ability to enjoy the process of getting to the goal, not just focusing on the goal itself. The perfectionist tends to forget that it is the process of getting there that is what creative adaptations to life are all aboutnot just reaching some artificial goal, which is then quickly replaced by another goal and then another. |
Facing Risks and Taking Chances |
Taking risks requires what the perfectionist dreads the mostthe fear of the unknown and of failure. So it is important to "put your head into the lion's mouth," directly to dare to take some risks that you know will challenge your image as a perfectionist. This means doing some things that you know you are not very good at, and letting it be OK to be a beginner. Allow yourself to be a vulnerable beginner with the attitude of beginner's mind, the mind of fresh appreciation, where everything is approached with keen interest, as if for the first time. |
For example, try making a short-term trade if you've never done it before, cooking a simple meal if you never liked to cook, learning a new dance step, traveling to a distant city or foreign country that seems too far away and scary for you, or sitting down and writing a passionate letter, essay, or short story if you've never liked writing. It doesn't matter what you choosethe idea is to take a risk. |